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Education Policy

The field of education in North Carolina is rapidly evolving as policies are passed with lasting impacts on North Carolinian students and families. Use the below resources to stay on top of the latest news in education policies, research, major trends and more.

Education Policy Resources:

  • Best NC is a non-profit, non-partisan coalition of business leaders committed to improving North Carolina’s education system through policy and advocacy. They do this by convening a broad constituency; encouraging collaboration around a shared, bold vision for education; and advocating for policies, research, programs, and awareness that will significantly improve education in North Carolina.
  • Education NC (EdNC) is your trusted source of information and the architecture for your participation in a statewide conversation about education and the future of our state. EdNC works to expand educational opportunities for all students in North Carolina, increase their academic attainment, and improve the performance of the state’s public schools.
  • Public Ed Works is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) public charity that supports public higher education in North Carolina. They focus on increasing residents’ knowledge of the value of NC public, postsecondary education in order to influence postsecondary attainment.
  • MyFutureNC is a statewide nonprofit organization focused on educational attainment and is the result of cross-sector collaboration between North Carolina leaders in education, business, and government. MyFutureNC’s mission is to prepare North Carolina for the future by empowering individuals, strengthening communities, and ensuring our economic viability in a global economy.

Other Resources:

  • John M Belk Endowment‘s goal is to empower today’s workforce by creating pathways to and through postsecondary education for underrepresented students. They are committed to helping them attain the marketable skills and training needed to gain meaningful employment, with the hope of resulting in a sustainable shift in North Carolina.
  • NC Commerce‘s mission is to help bring businesses and local talent together, so both can thrive. That’s why they assist job seekers in finding employment and companies in attaining the qualified workers they need.
  • NC Rural Center’s mission is to develop, promote, and implement sound economic strategies to improve the quality of life of rural North Carolinians. They serve the state’s 80 rural counties, with a special focus on individuals with low to moderate incomes and communities with limited resources. 
  • The ncIMPACT Initiative (ncIMPACT) is a statewide initiative launched by the UNC School of Government in 2017 to help local communities use data and evidence to improve conditions and inform decision making.